India’s biomass pellet production capacity, as of 2023, stands at approximately 7,000 tonnes per day, equating to an annual capacity of 2.5 million tonnes. This production primarily utilizes agricultural residues such as rice husks, wheat straw, and other crop residues, converting them into biomass pellets for renewable energy generation. Driven by government policies and increasing […]
Convert Forestry Waste into High-Quality Pellets Do you have forestry waste in your area? If so, you can convert it into premium biomass pellets, and is here to help. We offer end-to-end solutions for setting up pellet-making units. To ensure the quality of your raw material, send us your forestry waste, and we will […]
🔍 बिना टेक्निकल नॉलेज के भी सही बायोमास उपकरण चुनें! ✅ प्रारंभिक चरण में क्या आप जानते हैं? 🧐 सिर्फ हॉर्सपावर की तुलना करके भी आप पता लगा सकते हैं कि कौन सा उपकरण सही है और कौन गलत! 🛠️⚡क्योंकि कार्य क्षमता ही सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है – सही क्षमता, गुणवत्ता और स्थायित्व चुनना […]
🌱 Napier Grass Pellets (Rajasthan Region) – The Future of Clean Energy! 🔥 🌾 Napier Grass is one of the fastest-growing energy crops, reaching up to 15 feet in just a few months. With its high biomass yield, it provides a sustainable and renewable source for pellet production. These pellets serve as an eco-friendly alternative […]
Flat Die Pellet Mill vs. Ring Die Pellet Mill – Detailed Comparison & Ranking 🔥⚙️ Feature Flat Die Pellet Mill 🟠 Ring Die Pellet Mill 🏆 🔧 Design Flat die with downward roller pressure Rotating ring die with internal rollers ⚡ Capacity Lower (50 kg/h to 1 TPH) Higher (1 TPH to 5 TPH+) 🔋 […]