
Gross Calorific Value (GCV) for torrefied and non-torrefied biomass pellets:

GCV of Biomass Materials (Torrefied vs. Non-Torrefied) to understand:

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Biomass MaterialGCV Non-Torrefied (kcal/kg)GCV Torrefied (kcal/kg)Factors Affecting GCVTypical Uses
Wood Chips3800-40004200-4500Moisture content, wood speciesBiomass power plants, residential heating
Sawdust3400-36004000-4300High moisture content reduces GCVBiomass boilers, pellet production
Eucalyptus Bark4000-42004500-4800Resin and moisture levelsIndustrial heating, co-firing
Alfalfa3200-34003600-3900High moisture and fiber contentBiomass plants, rural heating
Corn Cob≈ 42384500-5000Dry and dense, high energy outputBiomass power generation, co-firing
Rice Husk3300-35003800-4000High silica contentBiomass boilers, especially designed for high ash
Rice Straw≈ 32003600-4000High silica and ash contentBiomass plants designed for high ash content
Napier Grass≈ 4000-42004500-4800Moisture content, fibrous natureGreen energy production, pellet mills
Sugarcane Bagasse3200-35003800-4100Moisture and fiber content, residual sugarsSugar mills, co-generation in power plants
Peanut Shell≈ 51195400-5900High oil content increases calorific valueBiomass boilers, energy-dense fuel additive
Sunflower Husk3200-34003600-3900High ash and fibrous contentBiomass boilers, agricultural waste energy
Bamboo4200-45004600-5000High lignin and cellulose contentHigh-grade fuel for pellet production
Bamboo Bark4000-42004400-4700Lower density than bamboo corePellet production, power generation
Press Mud2900-31003200-3500High moisture content, low densityAgricultural and rural heating, low-cost energy
Mustard Stalk3300-35003700-4000High cellulose content, moisture affects energy outputBiomass plants, co-firing with other biomass

Key Takeaways:

  • Torrefied Biomass consistently shows a 10-25% increase in GCV, improving energy efficiency.
  • High-GCV Materials: Peanut shell and bamboo stand out for their high calorific values, making them excellent choices for high-efficiency biomass energy systems.
  • Low-GCV Materials: Rice straw, press mud, and alfalfa have lower GCVs, suited for bulk energy production at lower costs or rural applications.

If you’d like to explore more materials or detailed properties, feel free to ask!