ARB (As Received Basis) and ADB (Air Dried Basis) are both common bases used for measuring the Gross Calorific Value (GCV) of coal or biomass, but they differ in how the moisture content is considered. Here is the key difference between the two: 1. ARB (As Received Basis) 2. ADB (Air Dried Basis) 📞 Contact […]
Event Details Highlights of the Expo Exhibitor Profile Visitor Profile Call to Action
Event Details Highlights of the Expo Exhibitor Profile Visitor Profile Call to Action
GrabsIndia offers a comprehensive selection of Electro Hydraulic Log-Timber Grabs, engineered to meet the demanding needs of timber handling across ports, docks, ships, forests, farms, and timber storage yards. These grabs are designed for efficient and secure log handling, ensuring maximum productivity. Key Features Durability and Material Operational Versatility Customization GrabsIndia provides a variety of […]
29th International Rice Grain Pro-Tech Expo 2024 Event Overview Purpose and Benefits Exhibitor Profile Visitor Profile Opportunities Available