In India, various crop residues are used for making biomass pellets. These residues are abundant and represent a potential source of renewable energy. The choice of crop residue for biomass pellet production depends on factors such as regional availability, crop patterns, and the characteristics of the residues. Here are some of the major Indian crop […]
Fully automatic wood – feed -biomass pellet making plants, We are excited to announce the recent installation of our state-of-the-art turnkey biomass wood pellet plant. This advanced facility is designed to efficiently convert raw wood biomass into high-quality pellets, providing a sustainable and renewable energy source. Capacity: 1-5 tph Simplicity Is The Soul Of Efficiency! […]
The Calorific Value (GCV) of biomass pellets made from various materials. The GCV represents the amount of heat energy released by a unit mass of fuel during complete combustion. Here are some examples of biomass pellets and their approximate GCV values: Remember that these values are approximate and can vary based on the specific materials, moisture content, […]